Dr. R.U. Siddiqui
Managing Director |
Education is an effective instrument of
social change but medical education is
directly related to the human body. The
dental health sciences can not be compared to other medical specialities. The
reason was obvious to
establish a dental college in true spirit. I
feel honored on being entrusted with the
responsibility of setting up the Career
Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences & Hospital, by
our young and dynamic founder trustee of
Career Convent & Educational Trust, Lucknow.
Castles are not built in Heaven; to
create something big requires proper
planning, sincere efforts, motivation and
dedication. Our team has excelled in
achieving this objective over a period of
time. The No Objection/Essentiality
Certificate was procured in 1999 by the
State Government vide its Letter No. 408/bdg
Rrj-3-99-N.8/98 dated 20.02.1999 followed by
inspection by the Dental Council of India in
Nov.2000. On its recommendation, the Govt.
of India, Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare issued a letter
of permission vide order F-No-V
12017/47/99-PMS dated August 3, 2001 to
admit, First batch of students, for session
2001-2002. Finally recognition was accorded
by Govt. of India, Ministry of Health &
Family Welfare vide
letter no. F.No.V 12017/4/99-PMS dated
I appreciate your interest in our Institute, education
here will be the best possible is
investment. We all pledge to give / provide you the
tools & means to become excellent
dental practitioner. We assure you that the best educational research
and patient care facilities are available at
our institute. If you pass B.D.S. and/or
M.D.S. from this college, you will have all
the available opportunities in the world and
the sea of Dental profession will open-up
for you.
I am
extremely grateful to Mrs. Hassena Azmat,
Chief Founder Trustee, for her
continuous support, cooperation and
encouragement through thick and thin, which
helped in completing this
important task. I am also indebted to my
teaching faculty and colleagues, who
contributed & stood by me in this noble endeavor.
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